Vladimir Komarov

Vladimir Komarov

Vladimir Komarov is an expert in corporate, commercial and tax law. 

He specializes in structuring M&A transactions, optimizations corporate governance, setting up a tax compliance system and representing clients in corporate conflicts. Vladimir has extensive experience of supporting clients at the start-up stage and in major corporate acquisitions or business splits. 

He advises on the procedures of opening and reorganization of foreign subsidiaries and representative offices.

  • He has been practicing law since 1999. 
  • Ambassador of Sber's First Club
  • Arbitrator for domestic disputes at the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (ICAC).
  • Associate Arbitrator of the Arbitration Centre at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) in 2024.
  • Member of the Commission on Information Policy of the Council of the Bar Association of St. Petersburg

In 2024 he received an award from the St. Petersburg Bar Association for his achievements in business law.

Since 2023, he has been on the recommended list of arbitrators for the Arbitration Centre of the Autonomous Non-Сommercial Organization “National Institute for the Development of Arbitration in the Fuel and Energy Complex (Arbitration Center at ANO NIRA TEС).

In 2021 he was awarded by the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation "For assistance in formation of legal state and development of civil society" and by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education "For assistance in implementation of tasks assigned to the Ministry of Science".

In 2022, by decision of the Council of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, was awarded by the Medal "For Services to Society".

He is the founder and head of the Educational Centre "Chair of Practical Jurisprudence" at St. Petersburg State University of Economics, which has become one of the most important centers of practical legal education in St. Petersburg over the three years of its existence.


  • Corporate law, mergers and acquisitions;
  • Contract law;
  • Litigation;
  • Finance and Securities;
  • Tax law;
  • Intellectual Property.


  • Banking and finance;
  • Construction and infrastructure;
  • Oil & Gas;
  • Industry and Trade;
  • Mining;
  • Pharmaceuticals and health care;
  • Technology, media and telecommunications;
  • Transport.

Social work:

  • Founder and head of the Educational Centre for Practical Jurisprudence at the Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg State Economic University;
  • Mentor of the Future Leaders Fund.


  • 2010-2013 St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, Postgraduate School;
  • 2002 Kaliningrad State University, Law.


  • PRAVO-300,
  • Kommersant,
  • Rossiyskaya Gazeta,  
  • Legal 500,  
  • Chambers & Partners,
  • Best Lawyers.


  • Russian;
  • English.
  • Establishment of a foundation in a jurisdiction with a well-developed trust and wealth management regulatory framework to create a coherent and sustainable ownership structure and facilitate succession planning;
  • Advising the private banking division of one of Russia’s largest banks on capital structuring and tax planning. Set up of private foundations for the division’s clients;
  • Advising on a major oil and gas company on sanctions restrictions and procedures for reorganisation of foreign subsidiaries.
  • Assisting with establishment of a joint Swiss-Azerbaijani joint venture for a leader in the pulp and paper industry.
  • Establishment of a Russian-Turkish joint venture for one of Rosatom's largest suppliers to build a nuclear power plant in Turkey.
  • Assisting in the reorganisation of the Russian representative office of a major trading and industrial company with an estimated annual turnover of EUR 200,000,000.
  • Advising on reorganisation of an Austrian holding company, a major supplier of equipment and materials for food production, with assets in Russia valued at more than EUR 28,000,000.
  • Reorganising the structure of subsidiaries and associates of a famous French chocolate products brand registered in Russia. Developed a strategy and action plan for structuring corporate ownership (between non-residents and residents).
  • Representing one of St. Petersburg's major property developers constructing a football stadium in preparation for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in a dispute with the Russian Federal Tax Service. The result was a more than five-fold reduction of the tax authorities' claims: from RUB 200m to RUB 35m.
  • Represented a private investor in negotiations with an Austrian bank regarding freezing of its cash assets worth over EUR 4.2 m. In the course of negotiations with the bank's management, after submitting the materials of the lawyer's investigation, an amicable settlement agreement was reached and the funds were transferred to the client's account with a Russian bank.
  • Assisted in the acquisition of a major company owning a complex of commercial real estate in the Leningrad Region. The project value was over USD 40 m.
  • Advising on the liability of a company's shareholder in the event of default by the company on its obligations to the bank, with or without a surety, with other security transactions both by the company itself and provided by the company's shareholder. The value of the company's total assets exceeds RUB 30 billion.
  • Advising on setting up a joint venture in NWFD with an investment of over USD 100 m.
  • Assisting in concluding an external economic contract for construction of a facility for a major project of SIBUR Holding PJSC. The client is one of the largest suppliers of industrial equipment for metallurgical, energy, oil & gas and petrochemical companies, both in Russia and the CIS.
  • Legal assistance for several additional share issues of a major energy company, paid for out of the sole shareholder's assets. The aggregate value of additional share issues exceeded RUB 1bn.
  • Full legal assistance to a power plant specialising in development of equipment for the nuclear industry, as well as support of procurement procedures, pre-trial and court disputes with counterparties.
  • Preparation of a legal opinion and support of reorganisation procedures in connection with the formation of a holding structure for one of the largest construction companies in the region, with participation of construction and production companies.
  • Assisting with a project for attracting private financing to a large agricultural holding. Due diligence review, preceding the pledge of a major stake in an open joint-stock company (agricultural production).
  • Developing an organisational and legal model for a project to reorganise a major retail complex in St Petersburg.  On the basis of analysis of international experience and Russian legislation, legal mechanisms for investing in the project were proposed, taking into account the historical diversity of ownership forms in the territory of the complex.
  • Reorganisation of the structure of subsidiaries and affiliates registered in the Russian Federation. Developed a strategy and action plan for structuring corporate ownership (between non-residents and residents) with minimal financial outlay, for structuring the assets of Russian companies. The total cost of the project was over RUB 700,000,000.
  • Representing a group of founding shareholders of a major defence industry company in a corporate dispute in connection with an attempted hostile takeover. The shareholders' rights were restored in full.
  • Research and development work on: "Scientifically substantiated proposals for a programme of coordinated development of highways of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation member states".
  • Development of regulations, methodologies and procedures of RCFG (Regional Centre for Financial Literacy) to provide advisory services to the public in the area of financial literacy and protection of rights of consumers of financial services.
  • Participation in the development of a programme to promote economic development of the Kaliningrad and Pskov regions.
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First Persons of Law Firms in the Industry: Foreign Economic Activity/Customs Law and Currency Regulation; First Persons of Law Firms in the Industry: Natural Resources/Energy (2023)

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Corporate law / mergers and acquisitions; Taxation, consulting; Resolution of corporate disputes; Corporate disputes; Financial and banking law (2024)

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Legal 500 EMEA

Commercial, corporate law and M&A, regional ranking, Tier 3


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GRATA International is in the annual Legal Research by Rossiyskaya Gazeta 2024

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The new episode of "Persona Grata" with Vladimir Komarov is already on Business FM

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Vladimir Komarov gave a commentary for ReglamentBank on AIFC opportunities


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GILS Corporate law: Russia

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GRATA International Legal Series (GILS): Corporate law

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Advertising labeling from september 1, 2023: What can you be fined for?


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Vladimir Komarov spoke at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry and shared his experience on M&A transactions

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Vladimir Komarov spoke at the IX BRICS Legal Forum 2024 in Moscow